Back Pain Physiotherapy
Back pain or back injury is a very common condition that we treat on everyday basis. LBP or Low Back Pain makes it hard to move and can affect quality of life and mental well-being. It can limit work activities and engagement with family and friends. At Christies Beach Physio has a particular interest in treating you by providing quality, effective hands-on physio and exercise solutions for your pain. Once we have your acute pain under control with hands-on treatments, we work with you to rehabilitate and restore the function of your back muscles and spine.
All our physiotherapists will work with you on pain management exercises as we believe self-management strategies are key to the prevention of recurrent episodes. Our approach to your back pain is holistic and your physiotherapist will work with you on improving areas such as:
- Posture
- Sleep
- Lifestyle
- Work ergonomics
- Stress reduction
- Hobbies or your current sports or exercise regimes