Achilles Tendinopathy

In these cold winter months, our team see so many people with back pain. It seems to be more than any other month of the year. Why do you think that is?

In winter months, we go less outside. Our outdoor activities get limited, like gardening time, walks get shorter and some day because of rain it is nil. We want to...sit inside near the fire/ in the heater in the comfort of our house. As a result, we get stiff and uncomfortable through the trunk, shoulders and neck. Sound familiar? Is this you too?

There are a few simple things you can do, right now, that can help. Firstly

1. If you’re going to sit, sit well!!!

  •  Keep the natural curve in your back.
  • The lower back is supposed to curve in slightly.
  • Make sure your tailbone is right back in the seat when leaning back.

A low back support pillow may help, especially in certain seats which promote more slumped lower back positions such as in the car. We have a few useful options at reception. Make sure you ask your physio what would suit you best.

A wedge pillow can help alignment especially if there is not a full back support in your chair.

However even sitting well gradually strains the spine after a while and can gradually result in an achy back. So, make sure you have breaks regularly and walk around – around every hour.

Stretches like standing and placing your hands in the small of your back and gently bending backwards several times may also help


2 . Avoid injury 

Commonly, injuries are caused by poor posture, excessive forward bending through the spine and incorrect lifting techniques.

Keep a straight back and squat near the load you are about to lift, either as pictured or with one knee on the ground. Pull the load in close to your body and hold it there as you use your legs to push up into standing. Use the same squat or half kneel position to place the load down again, keeping your back straight.

3. Exercise 

At this time of year, we tend to see a lot of people coming into the clinic with back pain, caused mainly from not enough activity. This unfortunately leads to stiffness and weakness. Regular brisk walk will always help you to combat the stiffness.

Some key Back pain facts for you:

  • Men and women are equally affected by the back pain. 
  • Exercise and physical activity are very important for the prevention and management of back problems.
  • Finding a balance of exercises for back pain is important. Both too little and too much activity increases the risk of ongoing low back pain.
  • Your body weight can increase your risk if heaving back problems
  • Persistent back pain is defined as pain that persists of 12 weeks or longer.

If you have experience pain for a long time, latest research suggests that exercise is more effective at reducing pain than taking medication.

Basic back stretches which can be helpful

Thoracic Stretch on Foam Roller

Release stress in upper back. Great stretch to warm up muscles of the upper back.

Knee to Chest Stretch

Relieve muscle tension in your low back and hips. Improve flexbility and range of motion in the hamstrings, hips and glutes.

Speak to your physiotherapist about guiding you through gentle exercises or stretches which can help you ease common back pain. Our physiotherapist at Christies beach Physiotherapy will help you in different ways using hands on technique (mobilisation for stiffness), massage, and gentle strength and stretch exercises to ease your back pain.

Please remember the content of this blog does not substitute for professional medical advice.

Always consult a medical professional for guidance on your specific health issues.